Well, it's an archive of nearly every digital piece of media I've made. Most (if not all) things archived on here were made for a school project.
While I was planning out the site, I had the idea of adding an ARG element. This would tie the storylines of all my writing together into one cohesive plotline. I didn't just want to completely ditch my old work for "improved" versions though. My solution was to separate them, bringing Digital and Archive mode into existence.
If you want the most accurate information on my work, then Archive mode would be best for you.
If you want something more inline with an ARG, including SECRET PAGES, then Digital is best for you.
I'm glad you asked! I, Logan Meek did. I love cats, aliens, and have a passion for writing (even if I'm not great at it). I often go by Logytrail online. I hereby declare, as the webmaster of this website, that you shall have a fun time!
Official Button!